
The Expert connects with an Operator to guide them during the execution of the process.

The Expert can send an SMS, send an email or connect by direct link to an Operator in need of immediate assistance

The Expert can send an SMS, send an email or connect by direct link to an Operator in need of immediate assistance. With both links, they connect to a chat system where they can communicate and start remote assistance calls if needed.

During the call, the Expert visualizes the Operator’s vision at all times establishes a voice communication, share documentation, and draw on screenshots, among many other features.

Most of the functionalities are under the control of the Expert, who understands the Remote Eye system well to make good use of the available tools.


The Operator is the person who requires external support from one Expert.
They can use any mobile phone or tablet with connection to internet. There is no need to install an application.

The session begins when both participants enter the chat room, where both participants can share information and start a remote video support session.

The video that is being transmitted to the Expert is displayed on the device.
The Operator can receive indications, messages, images, or documentation that helps the process. Furthermore, the Operator is capable of sending files, videos, and photos to the Expert even when is not connected.

Remote eye assumes that the Operator is sometimes someone who requires immediate support and has not had time to become familiar with the solution. Therefore, most of the functionality falls on the Expert’s side. Remote eye is very simple to use by Operators, saving time and mistakes due to lack of knowledge.


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