- Upon entering the room, both the Expert and the Operator are confronted with a chat.
- The Operator can write and read the Expert’s text messages.
- Control resides with the Expert, who is the one who knows the platform. Remote eye and Remote eye Direct are designed so that the Operator does not have to worry about training or learning how to use the application, but only about receiving assistance.
- The Expert can activate text translation by selecting the language into which the text is to be translated. For chat translation the source language is optional, if not typed the system identifies the source language automatically.
- The Expert and the Operator can be translated into different languages.
- The “Join the call” button will appear green when both participants can start a remote video support session. Press the “Join the call” button from both the Expert and the Operator to make the call,
- Click on the clip
to get the URL link to the room so that you can return to the room in case you want to leave it momentarily.
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