List Experts


The Administrator has different ways to filter all the Expert information:

  • The entries of the list can be set up in 4 different options: 10,25,50,100

  • The Administrator has also a “search option” that will filter the information by word matching.


  • This table is divided into columns.
  • Each column can be organized alphabetically and backwards and provides a piece of helpful information for the Administrator:

  1. Login
  2. Mins. Recorded this month
  3. Mins. Recorded
  4. Allow Sms Phone
  5. Allow Email
  6. Email
  7. Description
  8. Actions

  • The Administrator can delete the Expert account or Edit its profile with a similar formula as creating a new Expert account
  • By deleting the Expert account, it will be automatically unlinked from all the devices.


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